Engineering is a creative application of the scientific principles directed towards reaping benefits for society. The Department of Humanities & Basic Sciences being the foundation of engineering is responsible for strengthening the very first understanding of the engineering profession that binds subject of universal application such as Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics and Humanities.

The Department of Humanities & Basic Sciences at SBNITM offers the bridge courses in Chemistry, English, Mathematics and Physics to help the engineering freshmen get attuned to the specialized engineering domains. In addition, the department coordinates a smoother transition of our novice engineering aspirants from the academic setting they experienced at 10+2 level to the study ambience they will encounter in their undergraduate Engineering and Technology course. As an ancillary department that supports the conduct of specialized courses, offered in its domain, as a part of the curricula of other main branches of engineering, the department promotes a multi-disciplinary nature where the faculty belongs to different disciplines namely, English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Environmental Sciences.

The Admission and the Academic work of all the first year students is taken care by the H&S department. The department shields the responsibility of the consolidation of attendance and the internal marks of the first year students and the maintenance of the Parent-Institution communication for the welfare of the students. The members of the faculty regularly attend seminars, conferences, workshops and training programs on multi-disciplinary subjects. Most of them are associated with scientific bodies striving for the professional and intellectual development of their fellow faculty members. The faculty has addressed itself to the need to orient the students towards the ultimate goal of relating their knowledge to the reality of life situations. The department takes up projects and consultancies from public and private agencies to address the challenges they face and provides solutions. In keeping with its multidisciplinary character, the department essentially carries out regular research projects in diverse and emerging areas of human interest and social concern.